2025 Preservation Priorities

Preservation Priorities are properties and sites deemed by HHA to have special importance to the community, as architectural or historic landmarks, as important civic landmarks, or as pivotal elements in a larger neighborhood revitalization objective. Some, but not all are at risk of being lost, while others await the resources needed for their preservation.

The Preservation Priorities include the “Top 5” Priorities and Watch List Priorities.

Top 5 Priorities

The Top 5 Priorities are the properties or sites of primary focus for a given year. Properties or sites are included on this list based on the urgency of the preservation, length of time on the watch list, and/or the potential for preservation action in the upcoming year.

Watch List Priorities

The Watch List Priorities is a more comprehensive list of all past and new priorities that we are keeping an eye on.

Preservation Priorities Archive

About the Preservation Committee:

The Preservation Committee acts as the preservation “think tank” for HHA and CHPF. Helps with preservation research, educational and communication activities with or on behalf of HHA committees. Examines and analyzes preservation issues and opportunities, leading to advocacy positioning, CHPF funding proposals, and other undertakings by HHA or CHPF. Coordinates HHA’s Historic Preservation responsibilities and activities including annual Preservation Awards, Preservation Priorities, shaping HHA advocacy positions etc., subject to Board approval
Preservation Priorities are properties and sites deemed by HHA to have special importance to the community, as architectural or historic landmarks, as important civic landmarks, or as pivotal elements in a larger neighborhood revitalization objective. Some, but not all are at risk of being lost, while others await the resources needed for their preservation. The Preservation Priorities include the “Top 5” Priorities and Watch List Priorities.

Top 5 Priorities

The Top 5 Priorities are the properties or sites of primary focus for a given year. Properties or sites are included on this list based on the urgency of the preservation, length of time on the watch list, and/or the potential for preservation action in the upcoming year.

Watch List Priorities

The Watch List Priorities is a more comprehensive list of all past and new priorities that we are keeping an eye on.

About the Preservation Committee:

The Preservation Committee acts as the preservation “think tank” for HHA and CHPF. Helps with preservation research, educational and communication activities with or on behalf of HHA committees. Examines and analyzes preservation issues and opportunities, leading to advocacy positioning, CHPF funding proposals, and other undertakings by HHA or CHPF. Coordinates HHA’s Historic Preservation responsibilities and activities including annual Preservation Awards, Preservation Priorities, shaping HHA advocacy positions etc., subject to Board approval

2025 Preservation Priorities

2024 Preservation Losses

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