Zembo Shrine Center

Property Name:Zembro Shrine Center
Address:2801 N. Third Street
Owners:Zembo Temple Harrisburg
Priority Since:2017
Status:New Potentate

The magnificent Zembo Shrine Center was completed in 1930 as the home to Harrisburg’s Masonic organizations. For over 85 years, it has been the location of many important performances, sports competitions, rallies and special events. It’s Moorish Revival architecture was designed by noted Harrisburg architect, Charles Howard Lloyd. The 62,621 square foot building on 7.28 acres is on the market for $950,000. The Zembo Center is a major landmark in Harrisburg and particularly in the uptown area. It’s setting across the street from Italian lake and the former William Penn High School, which is on the market for sale, presents a tremendous opportunity for creative and imaginative uses for this picturesque neighborhood.

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