Former St. Paul’s Methodist Church

Property Name:Former St. Paul’s Methodist Church
Address:118 Vine Street
Owners:St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church
Priority Since:2018
Status:For Sale

The historic St. Paul’s Lutheran Church at 118 Vine Street in Shipoke has been vacant for several years and is on the market for sale. This gothic revival edifice was built in 1898 and retains many of its original architectural features and character of a turn-of-the-century Harrisburg church. In 2006 the building was given to Harris Street UMC for possible use as a community center, but that did not occur and the property was sold to St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church in 2009. That congregation ultimately decided to acquire the former Memorial Lutheran Church at 17th and State Streets and put the Vine Street property up for sale. This property can be renovated and returned to an operational religious facility, or transformed into a creative adaptive-reuse project.

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