46th Annual Candlelight House Tour is Sunday, December 8, 2019
Historic Homes and Architectural Landmarks will be showcased!
Historic Harrisburg Association will present its 46th Annual Candlelight House Tour on Sunday, December 8, from 1:00 to 6:00 pm, and feature historic homes and buildings of significance in Harrisburg. The Tour will feature a variety of single-family residences and condominiums and other important landmarks that reflect the city’s architectural heritage.
Launched by Historic Harrisburg in 1973, the Candlelight House Tour is the oldest and biggest tour of its kind in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Over its 45-year history, literally hundreds of historic homes and landmarks have been opened to a cumulative audience that now numbers in the tens of thousands. More than 1,200 people attended the 2018 tour.
Advance Tickets at discounted prices may be ordered online by clicking the ticket icon below. Day-of-tour tickets, Sunday, December 8, will be $25 and will be available only at the Historic Harrisburg Resource Center, 1230 North Third Street.
The Candlelight House Tour booklets (tickets) will be available for purchase only on TBA at the following locations:
Historic Harrisburg Resource Center
1230 North Third Street, Hbg
Highland Gardens
423 South 18th Street, Camp Hill
Jeffrey’s Flowers
5217 Simpson Ferry Rd, Mechanicsburg
Midtown Scholar Bookstore
1302 North Third Street, Hbg
Stauffer’s of Kissel Hill
5350 Linglestown Road, Hbg