A special guided walking tour of two extraordinary Harrisburg landmarks, the Zembo Shrine and
the William Penn High School campus is being offered by the Historic Harrisburg Association on Saturday,
May 8th from 10 AM to Noon.
The tour will explore the interiors and exteriors of both buildings, taking in the nearby Civil War
Obelisk, Italian Lake, and other sites along the way. Special arrangements have been made with the
owners of both facilities, who will assist in conducting the tour.
The cost is $15 per person, $10 for HHA members, and $5 for students.
Ticket sales start Monday, April 26th! Save the date!
*****Covid-19 Precautions: Face masks are required for walking tours and social distancing measures are expected to be maintained by staff and visitors.
For full Covid-19 guidelines, please visit:
To Purchase Tickets, click on the icon below: