JOIN US TONIGHT AT 6PM ON FACEBOOK LIVE: (3) Historic Harrisburg Association | Facebook
The devastating flood of June 1972 triggered the historic preservation movement in Harrisburg, with Shipoke as the most vivid example. Co-sponsored by HHA and the Shipoke Neighborhood Association, join us at 6 PM on Monday, June 27th for this fascinating look at how the flood affected Harrisburg and the great work in preservation and development that occurred as a result!
This program is FREE to the public and available both in-person and virtually.
The in-person viewing of this program will be held at the Historic Harrisburg Resource Center: 1230 N. 3rd Street, Harrisburg.
Or you can join us on Facebook Live!
****Historic Harrisburg Association will also conduct a brief annual meeting for the purposes of electing officers and directors and approving bylaw amendments. All dues-paying HHA members are eligible to vote. ****